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The subject depicted seated at his harpsichord, wearing a red suit, signed and dated l.l. Micheal O Nuallain 99.

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With domed foot and tapering stem engraved with two wheatear bands, the bowl with twin scroll handles, also with chased wheatear bands at the base and rim, with an inscription reading ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY HORSE SHOW PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION…

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RDS National sheep classes in association with National Sheep Breeders Association at Tullamore Mart, Saturday 12 June, 1999.

RDS Ven News.
12th World Meath Congress. Bord Bía, Ireland, 1999.
Spotlight: RDS Catering Department.
RDS A venue for all reasons.
The New RDS Conference Centre.
Events list.
RDS Recital Programme Autumn 1999 - An RDS Arts Foundation…

Newsletter Spring/Summer 1999.
Message from the RDS President.
Membership activities.
RDS members questionnaire.

RDS_proc_236_1999_horse show.pdf
The Kerrygold Horse Show 1999, 4 - 8 August.
Official catalogue.
Index to exhibitors of horses, ponies and donkeys.
Index to standholders.
Official programme.
Simmonscourt showjumping events programme.
List of awards.

RDS_proc_236_1999_art exhibition.pdf
Taylor Art Competition 1999. Art awards.
Exhibition of works at the Kerrygold Horse Show 1999. Main sponsor EBS Building Society.
Catalogue of winners.

The proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society for the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine (1999).
Minutes of the Stated General Meeting of the Royal Dublin Society May - December 1999. Annual report 1999 submitted to the Stated General…