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Winter Show, list of prizes.
David G. Rogers, Superintendent of the Show and curator of the Agricultural Museum. W. E. Steele, Registrar.
Winter Show 1876. Catalogue of the fat stock, sheep, swine, poultry, pigeons, farm and dairy produce, flax,…
David G. Rogers, Superintendent of the Show and curator of the Agricultural Museum. W. E. Steele, Registrar.
Winter Show 1876. Catalogue of the fat stock, sheep, swine, poultry, pigeons, farm and dairy produce, flax,…
First examination for certificates of merit, held on October 6, 1857, and following days. Report of the board of examiners; and examination papers. W. E. Steele, Assistant Secretary.
Second examination … held on May 24, 1858, and following days.…
Second examination … held on May 24, 1858, and following days.…
Winter Show, list of prizes. David G. Rogers, Superintendent of the Show and curator of the Agricultural Museum. W. E. Steele, Registrar.
Winter Show 1877. Catalogue of the fat stock, sheep, swine, poultry, pigeons, farm and dairy produce, flax,…
Winter Show 1877. Catalogue of the fat stock, sheep, swine, poultry, pigeons, farm and dairy produce, flax,…
Winter Show 1873. Catalogue of the fat stock, sheep, swine, poultry, pigeons, farm and dairy produce, flax, frieze, tweeds, wool, butter and honey, and of manufactured articles, at the Society's premises Kildare-Street, Dublin, 9th, 10th, 11th and…
Winter Show 1872. Catalogue of the poultry, pigeons, farm and dairy produce, flax, frieze, tweeds, wool, butter and honey and of manufactured articles, at the Society's premises, Kildare-Street, Dublin, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th December, 1872.…
Winter Show 1871. Catalogue of the poultry, far, and dairy produce, flax, frieze, tweeds, wool, butter and honey, and of manufactured articles, at the Society's premises, Kildare-Street, Dublin, 5th, 6th and 7th December, 1871. List of…
Christmas cattle show. Catalogue of the fat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, farming implements and machines, seeds, manures, &c., entered for exhibition at the show, to be held on Tuesday, December 11, 1866, and two following days, together with the…
Christmas Cattle show. Catalogue of the fat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, farming implements and machines, seeds, manures, &c., entererd for exhibitio at the show, held on Tuesday, December 15, 1863, and following days, together with the award of…
Winter Cattle Show: classification of the fat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, farming implements and machines, seeds, manures, &c., entered for exhibition at the show, held on Tuesday, December 17, 1861, and following day together with the prizes…
Adjudication of prizes at the Winter Show of fat cattle, sheep, pigs, agricultural and dairy produce, held on Tuesday, December 11th, and following day. Andrew Corrigan, Superintendent.
Winter cattle show: classification of the fat cattle, sheep,…
Winter cattle show: classification of the fat cattle, sheep,…
Adjudication of prizes at the winter show of fat cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, agricultural and dairy produce, held on Tuesday, December 13, 1859, and following day. Andrew Corrigan, General Superintendent.
Winter Cattle Show: classification of the…
Winter Cattle Show: classification of the…
Adjudication of prizes at the winter show of farm and dairy produce of Ireland held on Wednesday, November 18, 1857, and following days. Andrew Corrigan, Curator Superintendent.
Fat cattle, poultry, farm produce, seed, and implement show,…
Fat cattle, poultry, farm produce, seed, and implement show,…
Adjudication of premiums at the Autumnal exhibition of farm produce held in the royal Dublin Society's Agricultural Museum, November 1853. George J. Allman, Chairman.
List of prizes offered for the Autumn show of farm and dairy produce, to take…
List of prizes offered for the Autumn show of farm and dairy produce, to take…
List of prizes offered at the Society's National Horse Show, 1875.
General regulations, signed William Edward Steele, Registrar. Catalogue of the annual horse and ram show, and of carriages, harness, and manufactured articles, at the Society's…
General regulations, signed William Edward Steele, Registrar. Catalogue of the annual horse and ram show, and of carriages, harness, and manufactured articles, at the Society's…
Catalogue of the annual horse & ram show, and of carriages, harness, and manufactured articles, at the Society's premises, Kildare-Street, dublin, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th August, 1873.
List of prizes offered at the Society's National Horse show.…
List of prizes offered at the Society's National Horse show.…
Spring cattle show catalogue of the breeding and fat stock, sheep, swine, horses, poultry, farm implements and machines, entered for exhibition at the show, held on Tuesday, April 2, 1861, and three following days; together with the prizes awarded.…
Spring cattle show, 1854. List of prizes offered by the Royal Dublin Society, for general competition at the show of black cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, agricultural implements, etc. to be held in the Society's premises, Kildare-Street, on…
Spring cattle show, 1853. List of premiums offered by the Royal Dublin Society, for the annual exhibition of black cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, agricultural implements, etc. to take place in the Society's cattle yard, Kildare-Street, on…