Browse Items (4430 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Page of 45 Bust of Meritaton Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Mural from Tell el-Amarna Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Plan of craft studio complex Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Amarna King statuette Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Head of statuette of Queen Thyi Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Mummy Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Throne of Tutankhamun Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Two statues of pharaohs Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Bust of Hatshepsut Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Drawing of Temple of Amenhotep IV wall carving Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple of Amenhotep IV wall carving Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple of Amenhotep IV wall carving Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Cliff and sea Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Cliff and sea Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Cliff and sea Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Desert hill Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple doorway Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Bust of Amenhotep III Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Arches at Qasr Imbrim Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Stone structure beside the sea Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple on cliff edge Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Map of the Nile from Aswan to Semneh Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple of Khonsu at Karnak Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple of Khonsu at Karnak Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Wall painting Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Great Temple of Ramesses at Abu Simbel Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Great Temple of Ramesses at Abu Simbel Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Falcon statues at the Great Temple of Ramesses II Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Structure with hieroglyphs Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Structure with designs Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Sudan Government Radio train Steele, Lawrence E. Temple of Nefertari Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Desert and pyramids Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Statues at the Great Temple of Ramesses II Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Sea and cliff Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Temple of Ramesses IV Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Two stone podiums Laurence Sterne, 1895-1914 Group of people walking on structure Laurence Sterne, 1895-1914 Group of people wearing turbans Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Sea and rocks Steele, Lawrence E. , 1895-1914 Street in Egypt Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Group of women and children Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Sphinx Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Interior of the Great Temple of Ramesses II Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Drawing of the Luxor Temple Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Pyramids Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Map of Thebes Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Beach Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Stone structure Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Mummy Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Passageway Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Interior of the Great Temple of Ramesses II Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 The rock cut tombs of Asyut Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Statues at the Great Temple of Ramesses II Steele, Lawrence E., 1895-1914 Leinster House entrance , c. 1890 Letter from Dáil Éireann to the RDS Dáil Éireann, 1924 Entrance front elevation Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Front Gate Leinster House , c. 1890 Leinster House picture gallery , 1851 Plan of the RDS Library Floor , 1849 Leinster House Lecture Theatre photo , c. 1890 Acknowledgements logos Maynooth logo Irish Georgian Society logo James Hoban logo Visualisation of Centre of Culture, Learning and Innovation 1815-1922 Wilson, Ron Visualisation of the Seat of the National Parliament of Ireland 1922 Wilson, Ron Visualisation of Leinster House as a Residence 1745-1815 Wilson, Ron Irish Architectural Archive logo OPW logo Seanad Chamber Seating Plan Office of Public Works, 1928 Dáil Chamber Seating Office of Public Works, 1927 OPW Drawing 1924 Office of Public Works, 1924 Leinster House McGrath, Raymond, 1903-1977, 1941 Sketch showing interior of Senate Chamber, Leinster House O'Sullivan, Con, 1930s National Horse Show at Leinster House Royal Dublin Society, 1876 Opening of the Dublin Great Industrial Exhibition Illustrated London News, 1853 Design for a girandole Anon., c. 1760 Design for a mirror Anon., c. 1760 Design for the ceiling of the ground floor dining room Lafranchini, Filippo, 1702-1779, 1750s Design for the plasterwork in ground floor dining room Lafranchini, Filippo, 1702-1779, 1750s Design for Lady Kildare’s dressing room Ware, Isaac, 1704?-1766, c. 1759 Design for Lady Kildare’s dressing room Ware, Isaac, 1704?-1766, 1759 Design for the first-floor gallery Ware, Isaac, 1704?-1766, c. 1959 Design for the ground floor supper room Ware, Isaac, 1704?-1766, c. 1759 General ground plan Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Dressing room ceiling Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Design for the ceiling of the Earl of Kildare’s dressing room Richard Castle Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Designs for the ceiling of the Earl of Kildare’s dressing room Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Design for the first floor dining room Ware, Isaac, 1704?-1766, 1759 Entrance front elevation Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Entrance front elevation Castle, Richard, 1690-1751, 1745 Proceedings 2013 Royal Dublin Society, 2013 Proceedings 2012 Royal Dublin Society, 2012 Proceedings 2011 Royal Dublin Society, 2011 Proceedings 2010 Royal Dublin Society, 2010 Proceedings 2009 Royal Dublin Society, 2009 Proceedings 2008 Royal Dublin Society, 2008 Proceedings 2007 Royal Dublin Society, 2007 Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Page of 45 Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2