Miscellaneous 1862
Miscellaneous 1862
Prospectus of the examination for general and commercial certificates, to be held on Monday, June 9, 1862, and following days. Report of examiners
Report of the examination for general and commercial certificates ...
Catalogue of books added to the Library of the Royal Dublin Society ... Edw. Richards Purefoy Colles, Librarian.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the Zoology of the British Isles ... by John Robert Kinahan.
Syllabus of a course of lectures on Natural Philosophy ... by William Barker.
Cours de littérature Française, au 18me siècle par Monsieur D. Pontet.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the chemistry of food by Edmund W. Davy.
Examination paper for premiums and certificates in analytical agricultural chemistry, March 25, 1862.
Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the chemistry of the soil, and its relations to vegetable and animal life ... by Edmund W. Davy.
Examination paper on the chemistry of food, for premiums and certificates in agricultural chemistry, April 5, 1862.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on Botany by William H. Harvey.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on mineralogy by Robert H. Scott.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the natural orders of plants by William H. Harvey.
Syllabus of a course of lectures on Anatomy in connexion with the fine arts by Robert D. Lyons.
Report of the examination for general and commercial certificates ...
Catalogue of books added to the Library of the Royal Dublin Society ... Edw. Richards Purefoy Colles, Librarian.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the Zoology of the British Isles ... by John Robert Kinahan.
Syllabus of a course of lectures on Natural Philosophy ... by William Barker.
Cours de littérature Française, au 18me siècle par Monsieur D. Pontet.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the chemistry of food by Edmund W. Davy.
Examination paper for premiums and certificates in analytical agricultural chemistry, March 25, 1862.
Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the chemistry of the soil, and its relations to vegetable and animal life ... by Edmund W. Davy.
Examination paper on the chemistry of food, for premiums and certificates in agricultural chemistry, April 5, 1862.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on Botany by William H. Harvey.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on mineralogy by Robert H. Scott.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the natural orders of plants by William H. Harvey.
Syllabus of a course of lectures on Anatomy in connexion with the fine arts by Robert D. Lyons.
RDS proceedings, volume 98, July 4, 1861, to June 30, 1862
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RDS proceedings
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Bound volume
Royal Dublin Society. Library, “Miscellaneous 1862,” RDS, accessed January 2, 2025, https://digitalarchive.rds.ie/items/show/2669.