RDS_proc_178_1941_spring show.pdf
Annual Agricultural Show, Ball's Bridge, Dublin, May, 7, 8, 9, and 10, 1941.
"Foot-and-Mouth Disease forced the cancellation of the Livestock
section of the Spring Show" "The Homespun Exhibition also
had to be cancelled on account of the…

Members calendar for the 211th session 1941-42.
Manuscript address to RDS Members by RDS President W. Wylie.

Irish National Art competition, July 1941.
The Taylor bequest for the promotion of Fine Arts in Ireland. Exhibition 1941.

RDS_proc_178_1941_agricultural shows.pdf
Show and auction sale of pure bred bulls 1941.
Shorthorns and Dairy Shorthors - March 4th, 5th and 6th. Herefords and Abereen-Angus, March 11th, 12th and 13th.
Official catalogue of the show and auction sale of pure-bred bulls 1941 to be held in…

The proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society for the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-one (1941).
Minutes of the Royal Dublin Society for the Advancement of Agriculture and other branches of Industry and for the advancement of Science and…

RDS_proc_178_1941_horse show.pdf
Jumping competitions also gymkhana events and classes for ponies and traps to be held at Ball's Bridge, Dublin on August 7th, 8th and 9th 1941. List of prizes.