Account of the mode of preserving potatos in their natural state, for ten months or more from the time of taking them up. Signed by John MacCormick, Land steward to the Earl of Charlemont, Marino.
Annual report of the general state of The Royal…

Annual report of the general state of The Royal Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, and collections therein, in November 1840. Signed by D. Moore, curator.
Report from Doctor Litton, professor of Botany, on the state of the Botanic Garden.
Return of…

Annual report of the general state of the Royal Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, and collections therein, in November, 1841. Signed D. Moore, curator.
Mr Prior's monument in Christ Church, Dublin.
Brief report of a professional tour through…

Essay on the growth and management of flax in Ireland.
Annual report of the general state of The Royal Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, and the collections therein, in November, 1843. D. Moore, curator.
Donations of seeds and plants, received at…

Rules for the admission of agricultural associates and for the affiliation of provincial agricultural and farming societies.
Scale of fees for chemical analyses … by Edmund W. Davy.
Syllabus of the second part of a course of lectures on…

Minutes of evidence taken at the special meetings of the Council ... "to investigate the transaction in which the Librarian was concerned ..." Letter from the librarian, Edw. Richards Purefoy Colles, to the president, vice-presidents, and members…

Prospectus of the examination for general and commercial certificates, to be held on Monday, June 9, 1862, and following days. Report of examiners
Report of the examination for general and commercial certificates ...
Catalogue of books added to…

Prospectus of the examination for general and commercial certificates, to be held on Monday, May, 24, 1863 and following days. Report and papers.
Catalogue of books added to the Library of the Royal Dublin Society, Edw. Richards Purefoy Colles,…

The memorial of the Council of the Royal Dublin Society to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury … "unfinished condition of Museum of Natural History, Library, Botanic Museum, Agricultural Department". Correspondence on the subject of a…

Report of the joint flax committee of the Royal Dublin Society and of the Royal Agricultural Society of Ireland, 1864. C. J. Trench, Chairman.
Examination for general and commercial certificates. Report of the Board of examiners. Examination…