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Index to the proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, from July 1, 1856, to July 16, 1857
Alphabetical list of life members, annual members, honorary members and corresponding members of the RDS with the years of their admission.
Return of books presented to and purchased for the Library of the Royal Dublin Society from the 5th day of June to the 13th day on November, 1856. Edw. Richards Purefoy Colles, Librarian.
Rules for the regulation of the library and the duties of…
Rules for the regulation of the library and the duties of…
Adjudication of prizes at the Winter show of fat stock and of farm and dairy produce, held on Tuesday December 9 and two following days. Andrew Corrigan, curator superintendent.
Show of farm and dairy produce 1857. List of prizes offered for…
Show of farm and dairy produce 1857. List of prizes offered for…
Examination paper for premiums & certificates in Agricultural Chemistry, June, 1857
Spring Cattle Show, 1857. List of prizes offered for general competition at the show of neat cattle, sheep, swine, horses, poultry, etc. to be held on the Society's premises, Kildare-Street, on Tuesday, April, 21, and three following days. General…
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, from July 1, 1856, to July 16, 1857