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The subject modelled wearing a chiton, holding the excess folds of the fabric in her left hand, a staff in her proper right hand, her hair tied with a band in a chignon.
Index to the proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, from July 1, 1854, to June 30, 1855
Alphabetical list of life members, annual members, honorary members and corresponding members of the RDS with the years of their admission.
Return of books to the Library of the Royal Dublin Society. John Patten, Librarian.
Annual report from the curator of the Botanic Garden.
Meteorological journal kept at the Royal Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, Glasnevin, from 30th June to 31st…
Annual report from the curator of the Botanic Garden.
Meteorological journal kept at the Royal Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, Glasnevin, from 30th June to 31st…
Catalogue of the articles entered for competition at the first exhibition of work executed in Industrial Schools, held on April 11, 1855, and following days.
The prizes offered by the committee of Manufactures, Walter Sweetman, Esq.,…
The prizes offered by the committee of Manufactures, Walter Sweetman, Esq.,…
Adjudication of prizes of the Farm Produce Show held in the Agricultural Museum, November 1854.
Fat cattle and farm produce show, 1855.
List of prizes offered for general competition at the Winter show of fat stock, farm and dairy produce, to be…
Fat cattle and farm produce show, 1855.
List of prizes offered for general competition at the Winter show of fat stock, farm and dairy produce, to be…
Spring cattle show, 1855. List of prizes offered for general competition at the show of neat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, horses, agricultural implements, etc. to be held on the Society's premises, Kildare-Street, on Tuesday, april 10, and three…
Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, from July 1, 1854, to June 30, 1855